Meet the Presidents: Teddy Roosevelt

Meet the Presidents: Teddy Roosevelt

[youtube] June 29, 2010: Teddy Roosevelt presents the second of the free Summer Series, Meet the Presidents. The 26th President talked to youngsters about commanding the Rough Riders in the Spanish American War and his domestic and foreign...

Video: Roosevelt Rocks the East Room

President Theodore Roosevelt gave a presentation to youngsters today in the East Room of the Nixon Library, where he spoke about his time in elected office as Assistant Secretary of the Navy, leader of the Rough Riders in the Spanish-American War, and tenure as the...

Guns, Butter, and Accuracy

At Salon, former House staffer David Sirota has an article about spending priorities. It begins: The last time America found itself in a budget debate pitting domestic priorities against war expenditures, Richard Nixon was in the White House and David Obey was the...

The Forgotten War At 60

For many Americans, today marks the first anniversary of the death of Michael Jackson. But for those who still remember the conflict that cost over 50,000 American lives in just over two and a half years, it also marks the 60th anniversary of the day North Korean...

A Favorite Of Nabokov’s

Vladimir Nabokov, the author of Lolita and Pale Fire who is widely regarded as one of the twentieth century’s greatest writers, was also (with his wife Vera) a profound admirer of President Nixon from the days of the Hiss case, ready to defend the thirty-seventh...

The Return Of Futurama (And Earth President Nixon)

Tonight at 10 pm, almost seven years after it ceased production as a series on the Fox network, Simpsons creator Matt Groening and David X. Cohen’s science-fiction animated series Futurama will follow the example of Family Guy and premiere a season of 26 new...