Domestic Policy Initiatives of The Nixon Years

President Nixon’s primacy in foreign affairs has long been acknowledged even by his harshest critics. But his domestic record has tended both to be overlooked as a result of the conventional wisdom — particularly in the academy and the media — that he was...


New Jersey Governor Chris Christie answers a question asked by Newark Star-Ledger reporter and editorial page editor Tom Moran at a press conference yesterday in Trenton. [youtube]

Another President With “Game”?

Many articles about President Obama have suggested that he is the first President to display any considerable skill as a basketball player. (Herbert Hoover used to toss a six-pound medicine ball over a volleyball net, but Hooverball’s another game altogether.) But...

Nixon Went To Cairo First

In June 2009, President Barack Obama was received in adulation on the heels of his much-anticipated speech to the “Muslim world” at Cairo University. President Obama follows a succession of presidents to visit Cairo, but administration officials and the President’s...

A Legacy Of Peace

As a youngster in Yorba Linda, Richard Nixon would lie awake at night in the small attic bedroom he shared with his brothers.  He would listen to the whistles of passing trains and imagine the places they would visit.  It is only one of many paradoxes in RN’s career...

Tom Shachtman Writes About Barack Obama (Sr.)

There has been considerable discussion in TNN about The Forty Years’ War, Len Colodny and Tom Shachtman’s book about foreign policy in the Nixon, Reagan, and both Bush eras. But it was not the only book Tom Shachtman published last year. St. Martin’s Press also...