RN’s Environmental Record

In the Winter 1996 issue of the Presidential Studies Quarterly, Russell Train, the distinguished environmentalist and Chairman Emeritus of the World Wildlife Fund, wrote a long and thoughtful summary of “The Environmental Record of the Nixon Administration.” In 1968,...

Watch Live Webcast Of Earth Day Forum

Click Here to Watch Live Webcast from 1:30pm-3:30pm (PST) The Nixon Foundation and Presidential Library will co-host the third Richard Nixon Legacy Forum in celebration of the fortieth anniversary of Earth Day, today from 1:30pm to 3:30pm (PST). Watch the forum live...
Bruce Herschensohn Discusses the Vietnam War

Bruce Herschensohn Discusses the Vietnam War

[youtube https://youtu.be/SqNXoVVtHTs] April 19, 2010: Author, commentator and former Deputy Special Assistant to Richard Nixon Bruce Herschensohn discusses President Nixon, the Vietnam War, and how the President sought a peaceful end to the conflict.

Bruce Herschensohn Talks Vietnam

“No matter what engagement we’re in, they say we’re in another Vietnam,” said author, professor, commentator, and former RN Special Assistant Bruce Herschensohn. What they don’t know, he continued, is that “we won.”...

Sonia’s Dress

On April 2, Lady Sonia McMahon, widow of Sir William McMahon who was Australia’s prime minister during most of President Nixon’s first term, died at the age of 77. Her passing received little notice in this country but the obituaries in Australia, and the United...