May 1, 2010 | News, Nixon TV
[youtube] May 2010: Henry Kissinger talks with Washington Post writer Jim Hoagland about international affairs and President Nixon’s legacy.
May 1, 2010 | News, The New Nixon
Lee Edwards of the Heritage Foundation, author of the standard biography of Barry Goldwater (and of a new book about William F. Buckley Jr.) argues that Buckley would have endorsed it: Some of you may be saying, “But wait, wasn’t Bill Buckley an elitist, the ultimate...
May 1, 2010 | News, The New Nixon
I suspect that Arbor Day, as it was when I was a child, is a holiday most familiar in the elementary schools of America, since it does not involve grownups getting the day off from work, except in Nebraska (not a state famous for its orchards and forests). On a...
May 1, 2010 | News, The New Nixon
As I observed recently at TNN, it was a large oil spill off the coast of Santa Barbara, California, about a week after Richard Nixon was inaugurated in 1969, that focused the nation’s attention on pollution and ecology in a dramatic fashion, and helped spur the...
May 1, 2010 | News, The New Nixon
Pat Buchanan will be the guest tomorrow on C-SPAN’s monthly three hour interview and call in show In Depth. Photo: Back in the day: PJB in his EOB office. RN recruited the youngster —his first hire for his new presidential campaign— in 1967 from the...
Apr 30, 2010 | News, The New Nixon
In the Huffington Post, an environmental activist repeats an urban legend: In 1968 Richard Nixon campaigned on his “secret plan to end the war in Viet Nam”. Of course if he TOLD you the plan, you wouldn’t have to elect him so he was keeping it close to the vest....