Bruce Herschensohn Talks Vietnam

“No matter what engagement we’re in, they say we’re in another Vietnam,” said author, professor, commentator, and former RN Special Assistant Bruce Herschensohn. What they don’t know, he continued, is that “we won.”...

Sonia’s Dress

On April 2, Lady Sonia McMahon, widow of Sir William McMahon who was Australia’s prime minister during most of President Nixon’s first term, died at the age of 77. Her passing received little notice in this country but the obituaries in Australia, and the United...

Ruckelshaus Remembers The First Earth Day

In the Wall Street Journal, William Ruckelshaus — the first head of the Environmental Protection Agency and a panelist in the Nixon Library’s upcoming forum on RN’s environmental record — writesthat the Nixon Administration did much to tackle the environmental...

RN And The Green Jobs Trio

In The Sacramento Bee, Wayne Madsen’s writes that President Nixon’s environmental initiatives were an “early testament to the success of green pioneers” and that he “visualized the green jobs” that would “spearhead the nation’s economy:” Although last December’s...

Larry Higby Honored With Horatio Alger Award

Nixon Foundation board member and former RN Assistant Chief-of-Staff Larry Higby is among 2010’s recipients of the Horatio Alger Award. The award is given every year to “dedicated community leaders who demonstrate individual initiative and a commitment to...

Efficient And Streamlined Government

Introduction The Domestic Council and Office of Management and Budget were created on July 1, 1970. The result was that policy making on major domestic issues was consolidated into the Executive Office of the President. Henceforth, on domestic affairs—as had been the...