Nickels, Noses, And The Nation

After several anxious days of waiting—watching out my office window for the faithful U. S. Postal truck—I finally received mine. Have you gotten yours? I sure hope so, because there isn’t much time—We The People—134 million households of us—have a deadline. In fact,...


The Economist returns to a point that Frank Gannon made a couple of years ago: WHEN Nancy Pelosi moved to San Francisco, she struggled to find somewhere to live. For months, and with four small children, she lodged with her mother-in-law. So she was relieved when she...

A President’s Time

On the day he was inaugurated to his second term, President Nixon gave members of the White House staff a desk diary covering the four years of that term. Each day indicated how many days were remaining before his “Four More Years” came to a close. On the cover page...

RN: The Law And Order Candidate

Daniel Henninger in today’s Wall Street Journal: After the Supreme Court’s restrictive police-search decisions in the 1960s, Richard Nixon rode “law and order” into the White House in 1968. Liberals got into trouble during the law and order...

St. Patrick’s Day 1969

Gift exchange: Irish Ambassador to the United States William Fay pins a shamrock on RN’s lapel, while RN presents to Fay a Waterford Crystal Vase with an etching of the White House. On St. Patrick’s Day 1969,  in a ceremony with Irish Ambassador to the...

Fox News: What Would Nixon Do On Health Care?

Fox News contributor Ellen Ratner at the Fox Forum: No one thought that President Nixon was a liberal in fact I spent much of my youthful years demonizing him and remember exactly where I was the day he resigned. I was cheering. However, like most of us humans, Nixon...