The Great Conservationists

A Time Magazine story dated the first week of February 1969 illustrates how RN set the tone for his administration’s environmental agenda very early on: After his embroilment in the Nixon Administration’s only serious appointment hassle, Walter Hickel was...

The Domestic Council On Demand

The first of the Richard Nixon Legacy Forums, Domestic Policy Initiatives of the Nixon Years: Bringing Innovation and Progress to the American People is now available for viewers — free —  on demand:

Whittier College Students Study RN

A new political science class at Richard Nixon’s alma mater is the first at Whittier to study his early life, Presidency and years as a global statesman.  The class, “The Complex Legacy of Nixon,” took a Yorba Linda field trip January 23 to find out more...

A Race – And Candidate – To Watch

Nearly 65 years after his famous grandfather was first asked to run as a Republican candidate for the U.S. House of Representative from that state’s 12th district, 30-year old Christopher Cox has put his hat in the ring for the seat in New York’s first district on...


Thirty-seven years ago today, the Agreement on Ending the War and Restoring Peace in Vietnam  —popularly known as the Paris Peace Accords— was signed. After four hard years, RN had achieved the peace with honor he had promised and was determined to...