Feb 5, 2010 | News, The New Nixon
Print media often referred to the Daily News Summary as the most exclusive newspaper in the world. It was a fair description because they were written to please just one person, RN himself. They began during the 1968 primaries by Pat Buchanan, who chose articles “the...
Feb 3, 2010 | News, The New Nixon
From the 1968 campaign:
Feb 2, 2010 | News, The New Nixon
A Time Magazine story dated the first week of February 1969 illustrates how RN set the tone for his administration’s environmental agenda very early on: After his embroilment in the Nixon Administration’s only serious appointment hassle, Walter Hickel was...
Jan 31, 2010 | News, The New Nixon
The first of the Richard Nixon Legacy Forums, Domestic Policy Initiatives of the Nixon Years: Bringing Innovation and Progress to the American People is now available for viewers — free — on demand:
Jan 30, 2010 | News, The New Nixon
A new political science class at Richard Nixon’s alma mater is the first at Whittier to study his early life, Presidency and years as a global statesman. The class, “The Complex Legacy of Nixon,” took a Yorba Linda field trip January 23 to find out more...
Jan 29, 2010 | News, The New Nixon
Nearly 65 years after his famous grandfather was first asked to run as a Republican candidate for the U.S. House of Representative from that state’s 12th district, 30-year old Christopher Cox has put his hat in the ring for the seat in New York’s first district on...