The Watergate Hotel Back In The News

In July I wrote here about the uncertain status of the Watergate Hotel, best remembered, of course, for the break-in that ultimately brought about the end of Richard Nixon’s presidency. At that time, the hotel had been put up for auction by Deutsche Bank, after...

Transition At ABC News

Last week, Diane Sawyer, onetime aide to President Nixon in the White House and, after his resignation, at San Clemente, concluded her decade-long run as anchor of ABC’s Good Morning America; in rather symmerical fashion, she was replaced on Monday by George...

A Dream Ticket

Almost every pro football fan over the age of, say, 50 – and a good number younger than that – knows about the NFL championship game in Yankee Stadium on December 28, 1958, in which the seemingly invincible New York Giants, led by Frank Gifford, was upset...

RN and Day Care

In The New York Times, Gail Collins writes: Back in 1971, Congress passed a bill aimed at providing high-quality early childhood education and after-school programs for any American family that wanted them. It was bipartisan, which in those days meant more than a...

The Little Church In The East Room

As the first streaks of dawn quietly announced the arrival of morning on Sunday, November 16, 1969, a 35-year old preacher from Ohio named Harold Rawlings had already been awake for a while after a fitful night of what-could-barely-be-called sleep in a room at...

History And President Obama’s Oslo Imprimatur

In President Obama’s Nobel Prize acceptance speech last Thursday, he cited President Nixon’s trip to China as an example of a bold and controversial action by a leader that furthered the cause of peace: In light of the Cultural Revolution’s horrors,...