The Next Castro?

With the coming of a New Year we are again reminded that on January 1, 1959, now 51 years ago, Fidel Castro and his band of rebels rolled into Havana and established a Communist government in the Western Hemisphere.  Castro is now enjoying his senior status as a thorn...

Nixon, Now More Than Ever

At the Huffington Post, Ray Brescia writes of the phrase “Now, More Than Ever,” or NMTE: Interestingly, it was not George W. Bush who introduced the phrase to the political discourse. In fact, it was another Republican President, Richard Nixon, who used...

37’s Resolutions for ’69 and ’70

RN 1970: A photograph by portraitist Merrett Smith. On the night of 6 February 1969  RN was preparing for an interview with TIME and LIFE columnist Hugh Sidey.  He wrote three pages of thoughts and resolutions regarding the responsibilities and opportunities of a...

Auld Acquaintance — Memories of 1969

As 2009 comes to an end, here is a brief (and highly selective) look back forty years ago — to 1969.  Many other important and memorable events occurred — but their photos haven’t yet reached the internet. On 20 January 1969, RN was inaugurated as...