The New Realpolititik?

Ever since President Obama’s took the oath of office twice last January, he’s been compared by pundits to every previous Chief Executive since Millard Fillmore or at least Chester Alan Arthur. For the last week the Nixon comparisons have flown hot and...

“The Fugitive,” Guest Starring Carl Bernstein?

Late last week Alexander Cockburn, one of the elder statesmen of unreconstructed radical journalism, posted an article on his site in which he discussed President Obama’s prospects of prevailing in his feud with Fox News. Unlike many more...

Living The Nixon Legacy

(Photo credit, Gary Byron Photography): Murals of President and Mrs. Nixon’s landmark voyage of peace to the People’s Republic of China are on display at South Coast Plaza. I had always assumed that ping-pong was a relatively easy game –the activity that...

Laughing Matters

From a recent Onion: Report: Majority Of Newspapers Now Purchased By Kidnappers To Prove Date NEW YORK—According to a report published this week in American Journalism Review, 93 percent of all newspaper sales can now be attributed to kidnappers seeking to prove the...

Jerry Brown, Bill Clinton, and RN

Forty-seven years after his own run for the office, RN is making a cameo in the race for California governor.  The Sacramento Bee reports: More than a decade before Jerry Brown’s current incarnation as undeclared gubernatorial front-runner, he hit the airwaves...

The Muse of the Obama White House

In their attacks on Fox News and tea-party protesters, White House officials are cribbing from a speech given 40 years ago next month. [W]e should ask what is the end value–to enlighten or to profit? What is the end result–to inform or to confuse? How does...