More On Ted Kennedy, Nixon, And Health Care

The story of how President Nixon’s plan for comprehensive health care for all Americans fell by the wayside in 1974 because Sen. Ted Kennedy thought it possible to get a plan more to his liking enacted after a Democratic President entered the Oval Office has...

The Way It Is — And Almost The Way It Was

Robert Nedelkoff has noted —here and here— the remarkable revelation —first by Senator George McGovern in a 2008 New York Times op-ed, and, more recently elucidated, by Frank Mankiewicz in the Washington Post— that candidate McGovern...

One Of The Stories He Told

60 Minutes devoted its entire hour on Sunday to its progenitor and long-time executive producer Don Hewitt, who died a week ago today.  In typical 60 Minutes style, the program was informative, provocative, and entertaining. Hewitt always said that his editorial...

Nixon, Cancer, and Serious Medicine

President Nixon launched the War on Cancer, which he considered a key initiative of his presidency.  When Frank Gannon asked him if he had enjoyed more victories than defeats, he said:  “That will depend on what happens. If, for example, there’s a...

Change We Can Believe In

From a profile of uber lobbyist Heather Podesta (“the Insider’s Insider”) by Manuel Roig-Franzia in today’s WaPo: In a glum economy, the lobbying business feels kind of bubbly. Every new Obama proposal comes with acres of fine print for...


I’m always hesitant to speculate on What Would Nixon Have Done? — partly because who really knows, and partly because such speculation too easily becomes an exercise in what the speculator wants done. But I can, unreservedly and without any hesitation or...