We Have Ways Of Making You Laugh

Leave it to a German academic —Helga Kotthoff of the Frieburg University of Education— to conduct research establishing that, as a headline in the Telegraph puts it, “Humor is an act of aggression.”  (Which, as headlines go, is in the category...

Unworthy Of Trust, Confidence, Or Being Read

On 2 August the New York Post ran a long excerpt from Ronald Kessler’s new book In the President’s Secret Service.   Mr. Kessler has an impressive record as a responsible journalist, a serious author, and a go-to blogger, so I was surprised at the...

Getting Away From The —Oval— Office

Today’s Daily Beast offers a “Media Gallery” of Presidential vacations. The slideshow includes TR’s 1909 post-presidential African safari. HST vacationed aboard the presidential yacht USS Williamsburg, or at the Little White House in Key...

All The Way The LBJ Way

Up close and very, very personal: newly nominated Supreme Court Justice Abe Fortas receives the “LBJ Treatment” in July 1965 in this classic photo by Yoichi Okamoto. Over at the Daily Beast, former LBJ aide Tom Johnson addresses WWLBJD? —  how the...

If You’re Tired Of “Frost/Nixon”….

….then the Orlando Sentinel has an article that may tickle your fancy – about Bill and Sue Wills, a Maryland team of husband-and-wife actors who, for years, have been presenting two-person shows in which they portray a President and First Lady. So far...

Ted Kennedy’s Plea

The absence of Sen. Edward M. Kennedy last week from the funeral of his sister, Eunice Kennedy Shriver, followed by the death on Tuesday morning of columnist Robert Novak, who was diagnosed with brain cancer not long after the lawmaker fell ill from the same cause,...