Aug 2, 2009 | News, The New Nixon
Suggesting that conservatives such as Sarah Palin face political doom, a Daily Kos writer observes: When Richard Nixon won the presidency, the silent majority of Americans was white and conservative. The demographics of this country have changed, and that change is...
Aug 1, 2009 | News, The New Nixon
Howard Fineman presents one of the better comparisons between RN and the departed Alaskan governor.
Jul 31, 2009 | News, The New Nixon
Two weeks ago I noted the passing of 113-year-old Henry Allingham, who, besides being the oldest man on Earth, was also the last founding member of the Royal Air Force and one of the last five veterans of "the war to end all wars" still living. At that time...
Jul 31, 2009 | News, The New Nixon
"Get back, you eight-legged freaks" – actor David Arquette’s ad-lib that inspired the title of the 2002 film Eight Legged Freaks, which was called Arach Attack in production There was also the 1990 film Arachnophobia with Jeff Daniels. But both...
Jul 31, 2009 | News, The New Nixon
Thomas Pynchon, the mystery man of modern American letters (though not exactly all that mysterious – his voice is, after all, a familiar one to regular viewers of reruns of The Simpsons), has a new novel out in about a week. Its title is Inherent Vice, and...
Jul 31, 2009 | News, The New Nixon
It is now a little over twenty-four hours since the eminent Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. and Sgt. James Crowley of the Cambridge (Mass.) Police Department sat down at a white lawn table on the South Lawn of the White House, joined by President Obama (with...