Jul 20, 2009 | News, The New Nixon
A few minutes ago the fortieth anniversary arrived of the moment when Neil Armstrong stepped onto the lunar surface. For most American TV viewers that awe-inspiring night, the voice commenting on the images that were seen over the next several hours belonged to Walter...
Jul 20, 2009 | News, The New Nixon
President Obama welcomed the Apollo XI crew to the White House today to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the 1969 moon landing On 5 November 1969, RN welcomed the Apollo XI crew on the South Lawn at the conclusion of their international goodwill tour that brought...
Jul 20, 2009 | News, The New Nixon
Today’s Telegraph supplies some information about Apollo 11: Michael Collins, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin talk to President Richard Nixon from their mobile quarantine unit onboard the USS Hornet in the Pacific Ocean Photo: NASA * As the Eagle landing module...
Jul 20, 2009 | News, The New Nixon
[youtube https://youtu.be/OljSRjBqQk4]
Jul 19, 2009 | News, The New Nixon
Author’s Note: Nineteen years ago tonight marks the anniversary of the dinner honoring the Library’s dedication. The following article appeared in the Checkers newsletter in the August 1990 issue. As a bit of background, Checkers was a newsletter started by Chris...
Jul 19, 2009 | News, The New Nixon
19 July 1969: One day out.