Jul 6, 2009 | News, The New Nixon
From Confrontation to Negotiation: RN with Nikita Khrushchev in the famous Kitchen Debate in Moscow in 1959, and with Leonid Brezhnev (who had been part of Khrushchev’s official entourage in the Kitchen) on the Truman Balcony at the White House in 1973. In a few...
Jul 4, 2009 | News, The New Nixon
At CQ Politics, Jonathan Allen contrasts Sarah Palin and Richard Nixon. “Palin doesn’t have Nixon’s interest in, or knowledge of, foreign affairs,” he writes. “Imagine the reaction if Palin suggested she had a “secret plan”...
Jul 4, 2009 | News, The New Nixon
The Philippine Republic and the USA share July Fourth as their Independence Day. On 4 July 1956, Vice President and Mrs. Nixon joined President Ramon Magsaysay and First Lady Luz Magsaysay in Manila to celebrate the Philippines’ 10th and America’s 180th...
Jul 4, 2009 | News, The New Nixon
Washington National Symphony violinist Glenn Donnellan wanted to make the orchestra’s concerts for young people more engaging. So, naturally, he decided to make a violin out of a Louisville Slugger. As Anne Midgette reports in today’s WaPo: Donnellan made...
Jul 4, 2009 | News, The New Nixon
Jul 4, 2009 | News, The New Nixon
Christina Cristoforou’s interesting illustration on the op-ed page of today’s New York Times places our forty-four first ladies’ hair styles in historically cross-hatched perspective. PN is in the middle of the second row from the bottom. This...