Caesar Salad With A Kaiser Roll

Lebisch: Rabbi! May I ask you a question?Rabbi: Certainly, Lebisch! Lebisch: Is there a proper blessing… for the Tsar? Rabbi: A blessing for the Tsar? Of course! May God bless and keep the Tsar… far away from us! Why is it that so many Americans are...

The Gray Folks At The Gray Lady

The poobahs at One Times Square were understandably wary when the Daily Show’s Jason Jones came a-calling. But even taking that into account they seem every bit as bland, bleached, and beached, as their daily product.

Lunch With Bob Woodward

A few days ago Edward Luce, the Washington bureau chief for the Financial Times, treated the readers of that eminent newspaper to an account of his lunch with Pulitzer Prize winner Bob Woodward at the Hay-Adams Hotel in DC. (The menu and price of the meal are...

Laughing Matters

This week the Colbert Report is broadcasting from one of Saddam Hussein’s palaces in Baghdad.  Last night’s first show is worth watching.   A highlight is the interview with General Ray Odierno, the Commanding General of the Multi-National...

Annals Of The Obama Administration

In today’s WaPo, Richard Leiby    “Just the Sport for A Leader Most Driven” describes the President’s Sunday afternoon: Although far better known as a hoops man, President Obama seems to be morphing into a golf nut these days. He’s hit...