Jun 12, 2009 | News, The New Nixon
Here’s a troubling and intriguing story that might otherwise have been buried on the back pages, little noticed, and soon forgotten. But these are the still the early days of an administration that both claims and proclaims the moral high ground, so this...
Jun 12, 2009 | News, The New Nixon
There has been a great deal of talk that the GOP lacks a “main person” who speaks for it. (Google the words “leaderless” and “Republican” and you get more than 30,000 hits.) Whatever the party’s troubles, the lack of a...
Jun 12, 2009 | News, The New Nixon
Lebisch: Rabbi! May I ask you a question?Rabbi: Certainly, Lebisch! Lebisch: Is there a proper blessing… for the Tsar? Rabbi: A blessing for the Tsar? Of course! May God bless and keep the Tsar… far away from us! Why is it that so many Americans are...
Jun 12, 2009 | News, The New Nixon
Happy Anniversary to Tricia and Ed.
Jun 11, 2009 | News, The New Nixon
The poobahs at One Times Square were understandably wary when the Daily Show’s Jason Jones came a-calling. But even taking that into account they seem every bit as bland, bleached, and beached, as their daily product.
Jun 10, 2009 | News, The New Nixon
A few days ago Edward Luce, the Washington bureau chief for the Financial Times, treated the readers of that eminent newspaper to an account of his lunch with Pulitzer Prize winner Bob Woodward at the Hay-Adams Hotel in DC. (The menu and price of the meal are...