Laughing Matters

This week the Colbert Report is broadcasting from one of Saddam Hussein’s palaces in Baghdad.  Last night’s first show is worth watching.   A highlight is the interview with General Ray Odierno, the Commanding General of the Multi-National...

Annals Of The Obama Administration

In today’s WaPo, Richard Leiby    “Just the Sport for A Leader Most Driven” describes the President’s Sunday afternoon: Although far better known as a hoops man, President Obama seems to be morphing into a golf nut these days. He’s hit...

She Has Penciled You In For The Twelfth Of Never

An article today in The Hill starts out describing House Minority Whip Eric Cantor’s unsuccessful attempts to schedule some face time with Speaker Pelosi. Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Va.) says he has requested to meet privately with Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) this...

The New Emperor’s Old Clothes

Ted Rall has made a cottage industry out of provocative indignation.  That’s why his call for the President’s resignation was taken with the usual shaker of salt.   We expected broken promises. But the gap between the soaring expectations that accompanied...

Bernard Barker, 1917-2009

Bernard Leon Barker, Cuban-born of American parents (and a citizen of both countries since the age of 18, though an exile from the land of his birth for a half-century), died in Miami yesterday at the age of 92. At the age of 24 in December 1941, Barker became the...

Reading Material: D-Day

Landing on Omaha Beach, 6 June 1944: “What chiefly stays in the mind…is the dreadful moment of stepping out into the bullets. Planners anticipated that 20,000 would be killed or wounded in a single day, more than a quarter of all those going ashore....