May 8, 2009 | News, The New Nixon
This afternoon, at a packed Washington National Cathedral, the funeral of all-star AFL quarterback, longtime New York congressman, 1996 Republican vice-presidential candidate, and dedicated economic and social trailblazer Jack Kemp was held. Originally it was planned...
May 8, 2009 | News, The New Nixon
The Real Thing: POW Alex Lees (right) in Stalag Luft III. “I only played a small part. I did my bit, that’s the main thing.” If, like me, The Great Escape is in your pantheon of All Time Coolest Movies, you will be saddened to learn of the death of...
May 7, 2009 | News, Nixon TV
[youtube] Spring 2009: Former Secretary of Education Bill Bennett talks his book, “The American Patriot’s Almanac.”
May 6, 2009 | News, The New Nixon
Rep. Brad Miller is chairing ill-attended hearings on oversight of the $787 billion stimulus. Reports The Washington Times: “These hearings are titled ‘follow the money’ after the character in the movie – and the book – ‘All the...
May 5, 2009 | News, The New Nixon
“Hegel remarks somewhere that all great world-historic facts and personages appear, so to speak, twice. He forgot to add: the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce.” — Karl Marx, The Eighteenth Brumaire Of Louis Napoleon (1851) Most of what...
May 2, 2009 | News, The New Nixon
A standing room only crowd was at Barnes & Noble in Prescott Arizona for a book signing by Ed Nixon, the youngest brother of RN. In Friday’s addition of the local paper, the Daily Courier; Ed Nixon said that he decided to include Prescott in his book tour as...