Dec 28, 2008 | News, The New Nixon
The interview conducted by David Halbfinger and Nicholas Confessore of the New York Times with Caroline Kennedy (who seems to have dropped the name Schlossberg permanently), as linked below in today’s Featured Articles, did not have the headline “As A...
Dec 27, 2008 | News, The New Nixon
It is hard to determine whether the number of books read by a President during his or her term, and which ones, have any real correlation to ability in leadership and governance. Lyndon Johnson, famously, was reported never to have cracked open a book in his five...
Dec 27, 2008 | News, The New Nixon
In The Politico, Andie Coller suggests that President-elect Obama’s rhetoric stems from his enlightened ideas about fatherhood: The “change we can believe in,” it turns out, shares a lot with the revolution in thinking about child-rearing sprung from the work of...
Dec 27, 2008 | News, The New Nixon
An article about Frost/Nixon in yesterday’s Norfolk Virginian-Pilot features some lengthy quotes from Frank Langella. Among his ruminations: Langella acknowledges that Peter Morgan’s script, adapted from Morgan’s own play, is not historically...
Dec 26, 2008 | News, The New Nixon
By now enough has been written about the story —and the backstory— of Frost/Nixon (and not least here at TNN) that I won’t take your time by telling that tale yet again. Rather, I’ll cut right to the chase and try to answer the question: Is Ron Howard’s...
Dec 25, 2008 | News, The New Nixon
Here are some excerpts —about two minutes— from Christmas At The White House, a CBS News Christmas Eve Special from 1971. RN and the Nixon family are seen around the tree in the Family Quarters. The reporters are Charles Kuralt and Marya McLaughlin (one...