Dec 22, 2008 | News, The New Nixon
From RN: Dr. Norman Vincent Peale’s Marble Collegiate Church in New York had played such an important and happy part in our family’s life since we moved to New York that Julie felt very deeply about being married there and about having all reporters and...
Dec 21, 2008 | News, The New Nixon
It never hurts to ask. Someone may be listening.
Dec 21, 2008 | News, The New Nixon
The POTUSE has named Elizabeth Alexander as the Poet Laureate of his Inauguration. She will join the select company of poets —Robert Frost (JFK), Maya Angelou (Clinton ’93), and Miller Williams (Clinton ’97)— who have read the poems they wrote...
Dec 20, 2008 | News, The New Nixon
It’s hard to resist capitalizing that that word when writing on this subject and this newspaper. That said, the reaction of Washington Post writers to the death of W. Mark Felt, who unveiled himself in 2005 as “Deep Throat,” has been, a little...
Dec 19, 2008 | News, The New Nixon
As readers of his book about the 1950 Senate election in California (Tricky Dick And The Pink Lady) know, Editor & Publisher editor-in-chief Greg Mitchell is far from being a fan of the 37th President. But, as this article shows, he is aware, from personal...
Dec 19, 2008 | News, The New Nixon
In the wee small hours of this morning, the Washington Post’s website posted (and the newspaper itself printed) an obituary for W. Mark Felt, the former FBI associate director who, in 2005, was identified by himself and the Post’s Bob Woodward and Carl...