Oct 31, 2008 | News, The New Nixon
Following a period in which some liberals claimed that Dubya’s misdeeds made them wish Richard Nixon were still in the White House, this year has seen the resurgence of the customary derogation of our 37th president. For example, horror novelist Stephen King,...
Oct 29, 2008 | News, The New Nixon
In this week’s “Wonder Land” Daniel Henninger sees next Tuesday’s outcome in little less than apocalyptic terms: I don’t agree with the argument that an Obama-Pelosi-Reid government is a one-off, that good old nonideological American...
Oct 29, 2008 | News, The New Nixon
Like Senator McCain, Senator Obama has assembled a team of experienced and mainstream advisors who advise him on foreign policy. His balanced policy statements on China and Asia reflect their combined expertice, charting a course for US-China relations that is...
Oct 29, 2008 | News, The New Nixon
China has not been a major foreign policy talking point for either candidate in during the campaigns. On the one hand, this is disappointing, because the US relationship is complex, dynamic and critical. Both candidates recognize that China is “rising,” and it will be...
Oct 28, 2008 | News, The New Nixon
With the exception of a very few slam dunk no brainer topics, I am loath even to speculate on —much less to purport to know— What Would Nixon Do?. That said, a tip o’ the cap to Roger Stone for his “WWND” post on yesterday’s...
Oct 28, 2008 | News, The New Nixon
Today’s Daily Telegraph offers a pictorial “History of the Power Parade” — a look at the official automobiles of American presidents. There’s Herbert Hoover’s super cool 1932 Cadillac 452B V-16 Fleetwood Imperial (he may have raised...