Martin Tytell – 1913-2008

On the day after the 91-year-old co-defendant of the Rosenbergs finally admitted that he was, like them, a spy, comes word of the death of the 94-year-old typewriter expert who was dragooned into service for the appeal lodged by Alger Hiss’ defense team....

The Last Shoe Finally Drops

Not all old men forget.  Morton Sobell, one of the three defendants in the Rosenberg case, is now 91 and living in the Bronx.  And he has just admitted, in an interview with Sam Roberts of The New York Times, that he was, in fact, guilty as charged: a Soviet spy...

Palin, Roosevelt, and American Originals

The rollout of Sarah Palin as the Republican vice presidential nominee appears to be morphing into a full-fledged juggernaut. Democratic strategists, not to mention their nominees, continue to scratch their heads while trying to play the familiar political games of...

The Story That He’s Sticking With

The Wall Street Journal today editorializes about Senator Obama’s reticence regarding his time at Columbia University.  Although he has, as someone or other recently pointed out, written two autobiographical books, he has paid scant attention to the years spent...

OK — My Bad — But I Get To Keep My Job

“I really don’t believe making mistakes means you have to give up your career,” Representative Charles B. Rangel said at a news conference in Washington on Wednesday. Already dealing with the backdraft from several other scandals, eternal Harlem Congressman and...