How To Beat the Holiday Rush

If you want to get a headstart on the big weekend and/or have other plans for your Sunday, you can read Zev Chafets’ long piece about Rush Limbaugh from Sunday’s New York Times Magazine right here right now.

One Man’s Lyric is Another Man’s Law

In Sunday’s New York Times, national legal correspondent Adam Liptak reported the breaking of some serious legal ground over at One First Street NE. Hidden away on page four of Chief Justice Roberts’ dissent in Sprint Communications Co., L. P., et al, v. APCC...

Clay Felker. Si Monumentum Requiris Circumspice

No website dealing with news and commentary about Richard Nixon, his Times, and his Legacy, can fail to note the passing of Clay Felker, who died earlier today at his home in New York. He was 81 and had been battling mouth and throat cancer for some time. More than...

Senator Obama, Meet Reverend Gortner

One of the curious things about this ever-curiouser election is that half the time it seems like any of its interesting or unusual features ties in, somehow, with someone or something closely associated with the days of cold duck, bell bottoms and shag carpets –...

Carter, Obama, and Evangelicals

As Barack Obama coasts to his coronation as the Democratic nominee in late August, he’s managed to convince many that he wears the mantle of Camelot. Toward that end, he’s been chasing Kennedy coattails every bit as much as he has delegates. Some who are clearly...

Katherine B. Loker Passes on at 92

Katherine Loker was a woman of seemingly infinite vision, energy, and drive, with a loving heart singularly focused on leaving the world better than she found it through a near-lifetime of her and her beloved late husband Donald’s discerning philanthropy. As a...