Getting Wrong with 1968

Evan Thomas is back subtracting from the sum total of human knowledge. A few weeks ago, he declared that nobody in 1966 thought that Richard Nixon would win the 1968 GOP nomination.  In fact, Nixon was already the frontrunner.  Now Thomas has written on what would...

Mixed Signals

The Associated Press just declared that Sen. Barack Obama has “effectively clinched” the Democratic presidential nomination, based on the wire service’s tally of delegates.  Still, Sen. Hillary Clinton presses on. A few hours ago the AP reported that...

Watch What I Do Not What I Say

According to Liz Smith’s column today: SUSAN SARANDON, who appeared in three films last year and won kudos for her TV movie “Bernard and Doris,” is still not a contented soul. She says if John McCain gets elected, she will move to Italy or Canada....

The Barr Factor

Over the weekend, former Rep. Bob Barr managed to wrangle the Libertarian  presidential nomination at that party’s convention in Denver.  In an earlier post I referred to the traditional contentiousness of the Libertarians, and in their usual tradition it took...

Young Hillary Clinton

Comedian-actor-writer Jerry O’Connell has produced an amusing video that would have been even more amusing with the aid of a stern editor. But it still has its moments. And here it is (with a tip o’ the cap to The Big Lead).

A Young Senator’s Senior Moments

Because its author is Brent Bozell and the venue is, some will dismiss this column as conservative boilerplate.But that would be a mistake. Mr. Bozell’s quotes from mainstream sources (Jake Tapper of ABC and Marc Ambinder of Atlantic Monthly) show...