Tim Russert And Father’s Day

Among the first online tributes to the late Tim Russert are this post from Kevin Thompson of the Palm Beach Post and an especially moving one from John Smyntek of the Detroit Free Press. The latter begins by discussing a column he wrote for his newspaper in 1998...

Up The Filled Tree

Robert Novak’s column today catches one’s attention: Even for the feckless Senate, last week was extraordinary. When Republicans contended that Reid broke his pledge to confirm three of President Bush’s appeals court nominees by Memorial Day, Senate...

Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde (Park)

In a column in this morning’s Washington Times, Gary Andres notes that with several months to go before the Democratic convention Sen. Barack Obama has already achieved a considerable distinction. He cites the results of a recent Rasmussen poll which shows that...


Pat Buchanan was on The Colbert Report last Thursday. He understands the terms of the gig, rolls with the flow, and has a good time — that’s all you can do on TCR unless you want want to buy trouble.

Department Of Watch What We Do Not What We Say

The food on the Senate side of the Capitol apparently leaves a lot to be desired; but the ironies in this story are utterly delicious. Last week, in a late-night voice vote, the Senate agreed to privatize the operation of its food service, a decision that would, for...

Yesterday Once More

Slate has put together an entertaining and already nostalgia-laden eight minute mini history of the just-ended contest for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination. It skirts but averts being too clever by half, and will recall some already-forgotten...