May 23, 2008 | News, The New Nixon
As President Bush continues to receive criticism about his recent remarks in a speech to the Knesset in Jerusalem, many are taking a fresh look at the personalities and politics of previous generations. Mr. Bush, speaking on a visit to mark the 60th anniversary of the...
May 21, 2008 | News, The New Nixon
Norm Ornstein wrote an appreciation of Edward Kennedy’s Senate career for today’s Roll Call. What has made Kennedy a great Senator? First is his hard work–incredibly hard work. When I worked in the Senate in 1970, I got to know some of the Kennedy...
May 21, 2008 | News, The New Nixon
Some TNN readers —the interested, the curious, the homebound, the masochists, and the ones with just too much time on their hands— might be interested in checking out the audio of today’s edition of Fresh Air . The interviewee is Rick Perlstein,...
May 21, 2008 | News, The New Nixon
In this week’s New York Observer, Felix Gillette had an interesting article about the most recent —and most prominent— examples of news anchor off-camera meltdowns preserved on tape and served up for viewing across the universe. On 14 May, Torrey...
May 19, 2008 | News, The New Nixon
There has recently been an uptick in Nixon commentary online and in the print press. Not surprisingly, some of it is factually inaccurate. Reviewing the Perlstein biography, Newsweek’s Evan Thomas writes: The establishment press had been flummoxed by it...
May 19, 2008 | News, The New Nixon
Here’s a link to James Rosen’s appearance last night on c-span’s Q&A. You can read the transcript or watch Brian Lamb lead the hour-long discussion about Mr. Rosen’s about to be published (in 24 hours) book The Strong Man — a...