Tuesdays With Franklin

The friends seemed uncharacteristically preoccupied as they idly chatted before ordering their usual Eggs Benedict. When the plates appeared —literally— on the table, even though the sight was familiar it was impossible not to admire the artistry involved....

Reflections on Tibet

A portion of a taped interview I conducted aired on the CBS Early Show Thursday morning explaining my view of the Chinese government’s priorities in dealing with the unrest in Tibet – “Obviously, the main concern of the government is maintaining internal stability and...

The Tears of August

C-SPAN has just broadcast the first half of a two hour interview with former CBS newsman Roger Mudd. The occasion is the publication of his memoir The Place To Be: Washington, CBS, and the Glory Days of Television News. C-SPAN grand poobah Brian Lamb does his usual...

Dith Pran RIP

Dith Pran, the translator who survived the killing fields of Cambodia, died earlier today of pancreatic cancer; he was 65. He worked as a photojournalist for The New York Times. He was made internationally famous when the actor who portrayed him (Dr. Haing S. Ngor) in...

Anti-heroes and Anti-valets Upping the Ante

Robert Harris’s novel The Ghost had considerable success in Britain where it was seen as a very thinly veiled roman a clef. The just-recently-ex PM in the book, Adam Lang, overlaps in almost every way (up to and including the same number of syllables in their...