Video: An Emerging Technological Arms Race

An Emerging Technological Arms Race Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum July 13, 2018 Program Synopsis • Program Transcript Participants Thomas G. Mahnken is President and Chief Executive Officer of the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments. He is a...

Transcript: An Emerging Technological Arms Race

TRANSCRIPT An Emerging Technological Arms Race Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum July 13, 2018 Program Synopsis  •  Video Participants Thomas G. Mahnken is President and Chief Executive Officer of the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments. He is a...
Remembering Frank Carlucci

Remembering Frank Carlucci

Nixon Daughters and Chairman Walker Remember Frank Carlucci Frank Carlucci, the former Defense Secretary who served multiple posts in the Nixon administration early in his career, died June 3, 2018 at age 87. President and Mrs. Nixon’s daughters Tricia Nixon Cox...