Oct 22, 2018 | Foreign Policy, Middle East, News
President Richard Nixon with George H.W. Bush upon being appointed U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations. 12 January 1970 (George H.W. Presidential Library). In an August 8, 1989 memo to President George H.W. Bush, President Nixon urged his successor and one-time...
Oct 15, 2018 | Foreign Policy, News
John Lehman is author of “Oceans Ventured: Winning the Cold War at Sea.” Transcript Jonathan Movroydis: Welcome to the, “Nixon Now Podcast.” I’m Jonathan Movroydis. This is brought to you by the Richard Nixon Foundation, we’re broadcasting from...
Oct 15, 2018 | News, White House Tapes
Luke Nichter is Professor of History at Texas A&M University, Central Texas and the nation’s foremost expert on the Nixon Tapes. Transcript Jonathan Movroydis: Welcome to the Nixon Now Podcast. I’m Jonathan Movroydis. This is brought to you by the Nixon...
Oct 13, 2018 | News, Post-Presidential Years
President Nixon in his New York offices in October 1987 (Ben Martin/Time Life Magazine). In an October 1987 article for Time Life magazine, former President Nixon reflected on the history of the 20th Century, and American leadership at the century’s turn. He said that...
Oct 10, 2018 | News, Soviet Union
President Nixon signs the SALT I (First Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty) with Soviet Premier Leonid Brezhnev on May 26, 1972 (Richard Nixon Presidential Library). On April 21, 1972, National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger, and top aides Helmut Sonnenfeldt and...
Oct 2, 2018 | News, Uncategorized
General H.R. McMaster on the Challenge of America’s Endless Wars In one of his first public appearances since leaving the Trump Administration, General H.R. McMaster spoke at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library about the challenges facing our National...