“Détente” typically arouses thoughts of summits and treaties concerning the vast arsenals of nuclear weapons held by the Cold War superpowers. However, the so-called cooling off period between the United States and the Soviet Union, led by President Nixon, encompassed...
On September 27, 1972, only a few days after the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) system officially opened, President Nixon visited the Bay Area to marvel at the future of transportation. As icing on the cake, President Nixon also arrived with a $38.1 million gift in the...
September 23 marks the anniversary of one of the most consequential and precedent-setting speeches in U.S. history: Richard Nixon’s much-famed Checkers Speech. Not only did this speech ensure 39 year-old Senator Nixon’s place on the 1952 Republican presidential ticket...
At the beginning of September, the United States and Russia announced a groundbreaking ceasefire in Syria. Just weeks later, tensions between the two countries are rising at an alarming rate as diplomats on both sides attempt to revive a ceasefire on life support. The...
“When we think of where Iran is, its place in history, going back 2,500 years, its place geographically, where it is the bridge between Europe and Asia, where it is the opening ot the Indian Ocean and South Asia, and also to the Mideast, when we thinkg also of the...
The U.S. role in international development assistance reflects the vision we have of ourselves as a society and our hope for a peaceful world. —President Nixon, Special Message to Congress On September 15, 1970, President Nixon delivered a special message to the...