1953: VP Nixon in Japan

1953: VP Nixon in Japan

The presidency of Richard Nixon played a crucial role in the development of post-World War II relations between Japan and the United States, which culminated in the return of Okinawa to the Japanese government in 1972. However, RN’s encouragement of Japanese autonomy...

A Concerned Citizen’s Change of Heart

A letter written by a concerned citizen offers an insight into the public reaction to school desegregation as it was carried out under the Nixon Administration. The author had previously submitted a letter consisting of 204 signatures protesting the school’s...

John Wayne: “I’m a Nixon man.”

RN and John Wayne converse at La Casa Pacifica during a Republican fundraiser on August 27, 1978. Today is John Wayne’s having been born on May 26, 1907. In honor of the Duke, the New Nixon blog takes a look at his relationship with President Nixon. During the...