May 27, 2015 | Domestic Policy, News, Nixon Today
Throughout his administration years of 1969-74 President Richard Nixon time and again voiced his opposition to the compulsory busing of school children as a means to counteract segregation. The tax burden of mass busing, the dehumanizing act of reducing school...
May 26, 2015 | Foreign Policy, News
From left to right: Howard K. Smith of ABC, Eric Sevareid of CBS, John Chancellor of NBC, and President Richard Nixon. It was television day, as H.R. Haldeman, President Nixon’s chief of staff wrote in his diaries. A day when President Nixon would lock himself...
May 26, 2015 | News, Nixon and Celebrities
RN and John Wayne converse at La Casa Pacifica during a Republican fundraiser on August 27, 1978. Today is John Wayne’s having been born on May 26, 1907. In honor of the Duke, the New Nixon blog takes a look at his relationship with President Nixon. During the...
May 20, 2015 | Foreign Policy, News, Nixon Today, Wilderness Years
In late October of 1966, LBJ met with leaders of several different Pacific nations to begin negotiating new policy goals for the Vietnam War. The result of this summit was The Manila Communiqué: a document that laid out specific policy goals to try to achieve peace in...
May 20, 2015 | Domestic Policy, News, Nixon Today
A document directed to the Staff Secretary from Bryce Harlow outlines the details of a meeting held in the Oval Office by President Nixon. The meeting also included the Attorney General, Bob Finch, and Ed Morgan, and made clear the position held by President Nixon...
May 19, 2015 | National Security Council, News, Post-Presidential Years, Pre-Presidential Years
Henry Kissinger was the National Security Advisor to RN from late 1968 throughout his presidency. During his time in office he worked closely with RN to develop the policies that would open Communist China to the United States and help bring the Vietnam War to a...