Honoring the Apollo 11 Mission

Apollo XI aims skyward into the realm of heavens, July 16 1969. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mt9znatmyQ] Apollo 11 Launch Following the successful Translunar Injection of Apollo 11 as it exited Earth’s orbit, President Nixon released a proclamation...

7.15.71 – The Nixon Shock

The term “Nixon Shock” is generally made in reference to the August 15, 1971 speech in which President Nixon announced he would take the nation off the gold standard. But only one month prior there was an earlier Nixon shock, one which sparked lasting...

President Nixon Announces Trip to China

President Nixon and Henry Kissinger arrive in Burbank, California for the day’s major announcement. President Nixon prepares to deliver his groundbreaking announcement in an NBC studio in Burbank. When Henry Kissinger touched down in San Clemente  on July 13 of...

President Nixon On Establishing the EPA and NOAA

President Nixon and others boating on Jackson Lake at the Grand Tetons National Park near Moran, Wyoming. On this day in 1970, President Nixon relayed a comprehensive message to the Congress of the United States regarding the proposed reorganization plans to establish...