When Candor Won the Day

Forty years ago today, President Nixon spoke quite candidly at the Mississippi Economic Council, treating those gathered not only to an economic lesson but allowing them — and those listening on television and radio — to grasp his strategic vision of a new...

Love of the Game: RN and Baseball

Richard Nixon meeting with the 1989 Phillies Coaching Staff at Veteran’s Stadium.   In a 1990 interview on the Today Show, Bryant Gumbel asked President Nixon, “If you hadn’t have gone into politics what would you have done?” President Nixon responded, with a smile:...

The Herter Committee: Forging RN’s Foreign Policy

RN and members of the Herter Committee stand in front of rice fields in northern Italy. By Chris Barber On Monday, July 30, 1947, then Congressman Richard Nixon was chosen, to his pleased astonishment, by Speaker Joe Martin to be one of nineteen members representing a...

Robert Wilkie and Roger Stone: What Would Nixon Do?

President Nixon and Soviet Leader Leonid Brezhnev have an informal conversation. Robert Wilkie of Human Events asks the question many Nixon supporters have asked in light of America’s current foreign policy foibles: Where is Dick Nixon when you need him? During...

My Gift to the President

The author (right) presents a scrapbook in support of President Nixon on April 2, 1974. White House staffer, Robert Genader (left) accepted the gift on behalf of President Nixon. By Bob Bostock Forty years ago today I visited the White House for the first time. I...