Jun 13, 2014 | News, The New Nixon
Onlookers and supporters at a train station as Presidents Nixon and Sadat ride toward Alexandria on June 13, 1974. On June 13, President Nixon and President Sadat answered questions from the press on an open railway carriage traveling from Cairo to Alexandria. While...
Jun 12, 2014 | News, The New Nixon
President Nixon toasting President Anwar Sadat of Egypt and Mrs. Sadat in the gardens of Qubba Palace on June 12, 1974. On his journey of peace to the Middle East in June of 1974, President Nixon made his first stop in Egypt, the country at the center of the Middle...
Jun 12, 2014 | News, The New Nixon
Patricia “Tricia” Nixon and Edward Finch Cox 43 years ago today, President Nixon’s eldest daughter Patricia “Tricia” Nixon married Edward Finch Cox. Mindful of her father’s recommendation, Tricia decided to have her wedding at the...
Jun 11, 2014 | News, The New Nixon
To President Richard M. Nixon, “Baseball’s Number One Fan.” Featured at the Nixon Presidential Library’s “Play Ball: Presidents and Baseball” exhibit is a gift President Nixon received from Major League Baseball Commissioner Bowie...
Jun 10, 2014 | News, The New Nixon
Several overtures made by the United States and the Chinese in 1971 culminated in President Nixon’s journey to China in 1972. Having already given several subtle indications that the United States demonstrated genuine interest in establishing more normal...
Jun 9, 2014 | News, The New Nixon
First Lady Pat Nixon embraces homeless children during her visit to earthquake ravaged areas in Peru, June 1970. On June 8, 1970, President Nixon delivered a statement about the devastating earthquake that struck Peru a week prior on May 31. In the statement, the...