Dec 14, 2017 | Nixon Today, Reports
The Mafia’s President: Nixon and the Mob, by Don Fulsom Reviewed by Wallace H. Johnson I read with great interest the just released The Mafia’s President: Nixon and the Mob, written by Don Fulsom, a White House pool reporter through many presidencies, who...
Oct 27, 2017 | China, Foreign Policy, News, Nixon Today, Vietnam, Wilderness Years
By Conrad Black It is difficult now to resurrect how revolutionary and improbable it seemed fifty years ago to envision a reconstructed normal relationship between the United States and the People’s Republic of China. In 1967 the Cultural Revolution was...
Oct 26, 2017 | China, Foreign Policy, News, Nixon Today, Nixon's Comeback, Vietnam, Wilderness Years
By Niall Ferguson On December 10, 1967, Clare Boothe Luce decided to bring together Henry Kissinger and Richard Nixon at a pre-Christmas cocktail party in her elegant apartment at 933 Fifth Avenue. It was the first meeting between the two men who, more...
Oct 25, 2017 | China, Exhibits, Foreign Policy, Nixon Today, Vietnam, Wilderness Years
Online Exhibit Marks 50th Anniversary of Richard Nixon’s Seminal 1967 Article “Asia After Viet Nam” at 50 is one of a series of online exhibits specifically designed by the Richard Nixon Foundation for digital viewing on desktops and mobile devices. In “Asia...