Feb 20, 2015 | Domestic Policy, News, Nixon Today, Vietnam
President Nixon meeting with future Nobel Laureate Dr. Milton Friedman, distinguished Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago, and the leading voice of the President’s Commission on an All-Volunteer Armed Force. On February 21st, 1970, the Gates...
Feb 9, 2015 | Domestic Policy, News, Nixon Today
The Gates Commission on an All-Volunteer Armed Force, made possible by the works and recommendations of Martin Anderson and Milton Friedman. In April of 1967, Martin Anderson, who served as the research director for the Nixon Campaign of 1968, would go on to write a...
Nov 26, 2014 | Domestic Policy, News, Nixon Today, Vietnam
President Nixon signs the amendment to the Military Selective Service Act of 1967 on November 26, 1969. On November 26, 1969, President Nixon signed an amendment to the Military Selective Service Act of 1967 that began the random selection or “draft lottery” for...
Sep 15, 2014 | Domestic Policy, News, Nixon Today
President Nixon with Martin Castillo, Chairman of the Interagency Community for Mexican American Affairs–as it was called in early 1969–Hank Queveda, its Executive Director, and Uraldo Palmares. President Nixon with members of the Advisory Council of the...
Sep 11, 2014 | Domestic Policy, Nixon Legacy Forums, Nixon Today, Nixon TV
Managing the Presidency: Nixon Creates the Office of Management and BudgetNixon Legacy ForumDrexel University, LeBow College of BusinessSeptember 11, 2014 Participants included former Secretary of the Treasury Paul O’Neill, who also served as assistant director of OMB...
Sep 8, 2014 | Domestic Policy, News, Nixon Today
President Nixon holds a meeting in the White House Cabinet Room with several senior advisors to discuss energy on September 8, 1973. Attendees at the meeting included John A. Love, Roy Ash, Charles DiBona, Bryce Harlow, Deane Hinton, Henry Kissinger, Melvin Laird,...