Jul 15, 2013 | Domestic Policy, News, Nixon Today, Supreme Court
On June 25, The Supreme Court of the United States struck down Section 4b of the 1965 Voting Rights Act after a 5-4 vote in the case of Shelby County v. Holder. Section 4b provided the formula to determine which states and local governments needed approval from the...
Jun 29, 2013 | Domestic Policy, News, Nixon Today, Vietnam
Late this week, word reached the news media of the death on June 21 of Curtis W. Tarr at his home in Walnut Creek, California. The majority of Mr. Tarr’s career before his retirement was spent in the groves of academia; he was president of Lawrence University in...
Jun 7, 2013 | China, Foreign Policy, Library & Foundation, News Media, Nixon Today, Pat Nixon, Republican Party, The New Nixon, The Nixons, Vice President Nixon
RN and PN with Walter and Leonore Annenberg at La Casa Pacifica in 1969. No it would not, on two counts; first, that it was RN’s diplomatic appointment of Annenberg that began his foreign service and second that it was RN who, of course, opened the U.S. and western...
Mar 16, 2013 | News, Nixon Centennial, Nixon Today, Pat Nixon, The Nixons
Today, March 16, would have been Pat Nixon’s 101st birthday….but since her Irish-American father Bill Ryan always liked to think of her as his “Saint Patrick’s babe born in the morn,” she grew up celebrating her birthday on the 17th, and...
Mar 9, 2013 | China, Domestic Policy, Foreign Policy, Middle East, News, Nixon Centennial, Nixon Today, Vietnam
Although two months have passed since the centennial of President Nixon’s birth, it is only in the last week that two writers of eminence have written about it. Taki Theodoracopoulos, the Greek shipping heir, essayist, and bon vivant, and Conrad Black (also...
Feb 21, 2013 | News, Nixon Today, Pre-Presidential Years
RN pictured with the Duke Law School class of 1937. Mousa Alshanteer, a freshman at Duke University, writes that his school should have more appreciation for its most successful alumnus: Richard Nixon once described “the great American legend as to how presidential...