A Milestone For The White House Fellowships

Today is the 45th anniversary of the Executive Order that founded the White House Fellows program. The Fellowships’s White House website describes the program’s origins: Declaring that “a genuinely free society cannot be a spectator society,”...

What’s Wrong With This Picture?

The Powers That Be: the President and Mrs. Obama with Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley making their unsuccessful pitch for the ’16 Olympics. The Obamas’ journey to Copenhagen has produced a narrative more suited to Hans Christian Andersen than to David...

Laughing Matters

I usually don’t find imitation Top Ten Lists very funny — but here’s a tip o’the cap to Rich Lowry for the one he emailed to “The Corner” at NRO earlier today: Top 10 Reasons Chicago Didn’t Get the Olympics 10. Dead people...

The Statue In Yorba Linda

“Leader’s Exhibit:” A statue of Mao ZeDong is featured with the bronze likenesses of nine other world leaders during RN’s presidency at the Nixon Library. Today, as is noted elsewhere at TNN, the People’s Republic of China celebrates its...

China At Sixty

China celebrates the 60th anniversary of its founding today. The massive military parade, propaganda films and genuine outpouring of pride by the Chinese people are befitting China’s growing clout and influence. I can not forget sitting up at midnight on July 1, 1997...

It’s A Family Affair

The New York Times continues to chronicle the election of Ed Cox as the Chairman of the New York State Republican Party.  That was unanimously accomplished this morning at a meeting in Albany. The Nixon family took center stage at the state Republican Party’s...