The Nixon Wit

In tomorrow’s Washington Post Magazine, Gene Weingarten devotes his weekly humor column to a departed politician – but not Sen. Ted Kennedy.  Instead, Weingarten spends several hundred words examining a long-forgotten book titled The Wit & Humor Of...

Diane Sawyer To Become ABC World News Anchor

In 1868, Benjamin Disraeli, upon achieving the office of British Prime Minister, at the age of 63 and thirty-one years after first winning election to the House of Commons, said: “I have reached the top of the greasy pole.” Disraeli was much admired by...

Paul Krugman. Now More Than Ever?

I never thought I’d live to see the day when I would recommend one of Paul Krugman’s opinion columns in the New York Times as a “must see” for readers of The New Nixon. That day has come (actually, it came yesterday, but I was on deadline on a speech, so I’m a day...


World War II began seventy years ago today.  After the initial German victories there would be some months of phony war before Europe really engaged; and it would take a couple of years before we entered; but today is when it began. W. H. Auden famously lamented the...

Missing RN

Here’s the best —you can forget the rest — from Paul Krugman’s column in today’s New York Times: …it’s now doubtful whether health reform, even if we get it — which is by no means certain — will be anywhere near as good as Nixon’s...