And That’s The Way It Was, March 22, 1935

The late Walter Cronkite learned the craft of journalism working for his high school paper in Houston and later for the Daily Texan at the University of Texas in Austin. One day in late March of 1935, he was sent to interview a visiting writer who was to speak at Hogg...

Buchanan Discusses The Nixon Comeback

The former RN staffer makes some interesting insights into RNs comeback in 1966-1968, as part of a comparison between RN and the former governor of Alaska. Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy

Uncovering the Nixonian Holy Grail

From “Mother Jones”, there seems to be a new attempt afoot to find out what was on the infamous 18 1/2 minute gap on the tapes.  Not from the tapes, but Haldeman’s notes during the meeting.

More On The Ticket That Never Was

Today’s Washington Post has an article by Frank Mankiewicz in which the political director of the 1972 McGovern campaign goes into more detail about the notion he toyed with in the hours after his candidate received the nomination one sweltering summer night in...