The Bow Seen Round The World At Last Explained

Politico’s Ben Smith reports an anonymous White House staffer’s explanation for President Obama’s controversial “bow” to Saudi King Abdullah: “It wasn’t a bow. He grasped his hand with two hands, and he’s taller than...

Goldwater And RN

At the Huffington Post, blogger Jayne Lyn Stahl writes:  “You’ll recall, too, that Barry Goldwater was a staunch supporter of Richard Nixon in his bid for the White House against John F. Kennedy in 1960.” Well, that depends on what the meaning of the...

Presidents Of The Twenty-First Century

Today in, the science-fiction blog which is part of the online group, Alasdair Wilkins takes a look at comic books, movies, science-fiction novels, and TV shows over the last half-century which have speculated on who might be sitting in the White...

Annals Of The Obama Administration

The bow heard round the world: Of course President Obama is a tall man with superb posture.  From his height a normal upper torso tilt of recognition —and, yes, respect— can look like a borderline obeisance.   And before the dudgeon about Mr. Obama...

Prince Philip’s Propensity

You no longer have to read about Prince Philip’s propensity to put his Lobb-shod foot in his mouth.  You can actually see and hear him in action at his first meeting yesterday morning with what the British press is now calling “the coolest couple on...