Sadder But Wiser

Wonkette paid a visit to Harold Ickes — the man who already owned the f bomb when Rahm Emanuel was still in short pants. The son of FDR’s distinguished (and famously cantankerous) Interior Secretary, Mr. Ickes was a successful labor lawyer before becoming...


On 18 February 2008, the first edition of The New Nixon was uploaded.  The rest is history.  


Our once and future colleague Father Taylor recently linked to the results of C-SPAN’s most recent survey of historians regarding the reputations and legacies of American Presidents. The sixty-five survey participants included an interesting mix of academics and...

An Historian-To-Be Looks At The Kutler Controversy

Jeremy Young, a doctoral student in history at Indiana University and the founder of, offers this observation after reporting the rejection by the American Historical Review of Peter D. Klingman’s paper about Stanley I. Kutler’s...

37 & 16

On The Caucus blog in today’s New York Times, political reporter Katharine Q. Seelye has an interesting post about President Obama’s intense feeling of connection with Abraham Lincoln and the ways in which he is expressing it publicly. The piece begins...