RN’s Christmas Present to John McCain

John McCain recalls the Christmas of 1972: Finally came the day I’ll never forget—the eighteenth of December, 1972. The whole place exploded when the Christmas bombing ordered by President Nixon began. They hit Hanoi right off the bat. It was the most...

12/24/68 — Forty Years Ago Today

On 21 December 1968, Apollo 8, the first manned mission to the moon, was launched from Cape Kennedy.  The  crew of three included:  Frank Borman, commander; James A. Lovell, command module pilot; and William A. Anders, lunar module pilot. Apollo 8  was the first of...

My Christmas Gift For My TNN Readers

I had intended to surprise each of my TNN readers with a gift that would be sitting in your driveway on Christmas morning.   Unfortunately the logistics turned out to be a nightmare of international shipping schedules, import regulations, and customs inspectors who...

12/22/68 — Forty Years Ago Today

From RN: Dr. Norman Vincent Peale’s Marble Collegiate Church in New York had played such an important and happy part in our family’s life since we moved to New York that Julie felt very deeply about being married there and about having all reporters and...

POTUSE’s Latest Brilliant Choice

The POTUSE has named Elizabeth Alexander as the Poet Laureate of his Inauguration.  She will join the select company of poets —Robert Frost (JFK), Maya Angelou (Clinton ’93), and Miller Williams (Clinton ’97)— who have read the poems they wrote...