HAK Hearts HRC. Not All Second The Emotion.

John Taylor below cites Dr. Kissinger’s remarks about the possibility of Senator Clinton following in his footsteps to Foggy Bottom. Even the idea of such an appointment has fascinated —and is on the verge of obsessing— the pundit class. If I were...

Obama’s Cabinet of “Rivals”?

The Associated Press today has an article by Calvin Woodward discussing the current speculation that President-elect Obama, known to have read Doris Kearns Goodwin’s bestselling study of Lincoln’s Cabinet Team Of Rivals, may follow the Great...

An Unexpected “Nixonland” Review

It has now been about a half-year since Rick Perlstein’s Nixonland was published, and some time back I noticed that no review had appeared in The American Spectator, a magazine avidly read by the 37th President and usually not a place where major books about him...

The Republican Wilderness: Four Years – or Forty?

The Grand Old Party of Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, & Ronald Reagan, has entered the proverbial wilderness. It moves from the box seats to the cheap seats, or better – to mix the metaphor a bit – the backbenches. How Republicans handle this exile, and just how...

George Shultz’s Advice to the President-elect

In the days since Barack Obama’s election there has been quite a bit of talk about his reaching across party lines to seek the advice of elder statesmen. Today in the Washington Times (in a column by the deputy editor of the paper’s op-ed section, Benjamin...

Radicals And Redhots

Today, as he does every day, Jonathan Movroydis has found and linked many of the most interesting journalism of the last 24 hours.  Among them is Camile Paglia’s monthly column in Salon. As usual, this is an omnibus affair covering a variety of topics and a...