Last Press Conference/First Press Conference

I found it fascinating that on the 46th anniversary of RNs "last press conference", the Governor of Alaska gave her first national press conference without handlers. Something else that I found interesting was that while both press conferences protrayed the...

A White House Butler Remembers

Today’s Washington Post has a front-page feature by Wil Haygood, the biographer of Sammy Davis Jr. and Adam Clayton Powell, which tells the story of Eugene Allen, an octogenarian resident of Northwest DC who, from 1952 to his retirement in 1986, was a butler at...

Critics accused the Old Man of sometimes using government resources for political purposes.  The practice did not exactly start in 1969, nor did it end in 1974.  The President-elect has now taken it into the Internet Age.  His official transition website (

1968: Lyndon, Dick, and Billy

Forty years ago, in the wake of the hard-fought 1968 presidential election, the nation faced what many assumed would be a turbulent transition. But it did not turn out that way. Whatever happened later, the country moved from what had been the one of the most divisive...

No More Calls Please — We Have A Winner

After a great deal of discussion and speculation, we finally have the answer: Barack Obama is the New Nixon. The clincher?  I’ll let Anthony Holden tell you in his own words from today’s Daily Beast: Among the countless blessings conferred by the election...

Newsprint’s Last Hurrah?

It’s hardly news that print media has been in steady decline ever since the moment that the ball came down in Times Square on December 31, 1999, and the world realized that these newfangled computers were not going to all crash and were here to stay. This...