Oct 11, 2008 | News, The New Nixon
Several weeks ago I presented a list of actors who had played President Nixon, and other historical figures whom they had portrayed, and invited readers to match the actor to the person from history. Below is a list of the answers. 1-j. Beau Bridges, who played RN...
Oct 10, 2008 | News, The New Nixon
With just a little more than three weeks to go before America goes to the polls to elect the next president, Barack Obama maintains a lead in the polls. To use a Richard Nixon phrase from election night in 1960, “if the trend continues…” he will be our next president....
Oct 4, 2008 | News, The New Nixon
The period between late 1929 and the beginning of the 1940s is, of course, known as the Great Depression. But in a real sense, it could be called the Great Depressions. There was more than one massive downturn in all things economic during those days of deprivation....
Oct 2, 2008 | News, The New Nixon
Here’s one of my favorite quotations from the Old Man: “Politics is battle, and the best way to fire up your troops is to rally them against a visible opponent on the other side of the field. If a loyal supporter will fight hard for you, he will fight...
Oct 2, 2008 | News, The New Nixon
I apologize in advance for the shameless bit of name dropping that is about to take place…..but I remember asking Henry Fonda why he so disliked RN — was it because of Vietnam (the conversation took place the spring of 1972) or the economy or something else? I...
Oct 1, 2008 | News, The New Nixon
Poised as we are on the passage of the newly expanded and befestooned bailout recovery legislation, it would be a shame if the rush of events swamped last week’s eloquent expression by Representative Boehner. As Politico famously reported: In a closed-door...