The Post Cheney Vice-Presidency

Throughout our history the vice-presidency has been an evolving institution. For many years the vice-president served merely as the presiding officer of the Senate with little or no involvement with the Administration. Calvin Coolidge (1921-23) was the first...

For John McCain From TNN

For all the conflicting criticism (of the constructive kind of course), critical analysis, and unsolicited advice that we have been offering (and will undoubtedly will continue to offer) in such abundance, here at least is something on which all of us agree.

Obama’s Very Un-JFK Moment

If Barack Obama winds up losing the election this November, most likely a significant portion of the blame will affix to his selection of a running mate. The issue will not have much of anything to do with Senator Joe Biden’s personality or performance. It will simply...

Bob Novak Is Back

Over in Denver they may not remember it’s LBJ’s 100th birthday today, but I have the feeling one fellow in Washington hasn’t forgotten it – columnist Bob Novak, who with his late partner Rowland Evans wrote Lyndon Johnson: The Exercise Of...

John Dole Vs. Barack Dukakis?

Bob Gardner, who at a (relatively) early age is one of the Grand Old Men of San Francisco advertising, wrote a provocative oped for yesterday’s Chronicle. From a positive perspective, this is the most uplifting of elections. The Republican candidate comes from a...

No Greater Dream For America

Tomorrow night, an African-American will receive the presidential nomination of one of America’s two major parties, for the first time in this nation’s history. It will be the fulfillment of the dream of countless Americans, of all races. One or another of...