Nixonland Nitpick 8

Nixonland  (p. 521) notes that men on a movie crew were hostile to Jane Fonda “not merely for her anti-war stand but for her defiance of feminine convention:  she had stopped wearing makeup.  Wrote William F. Buckley: “She must never even look into the...

Waiting For Some Other Shoes To Drop

As a rule of thumb, and making allowances for certain exceptions, having the National Enquirer on their case isn’t something you would wish on even your worst enemy. Which means that the always well-informed and often right Cindy Adams has some very bad news for...

Good Stories Bear Retelling

Kansas City Star sports columnist Joe Posnanski is —where else?— in Beijing. In today’s paper he reports about the role ping pong plays in everyday life in China — and how that helps explain the impact that the American ping pong team had when...

Showing The Bear A Game Face

In today’s New York Post, Max Boot surveys our reactions to the unfolding events in Georgia and concludes that “all indications are that the will of the West has been found wanting. The Bush administration has limited its reaction to a few statements of...

At Last — A Diet One Can Live With

One of the unexpected bonuses of the current Olympic Mania (Phelps Division) is the revelation of a diet that I might actually be able to observe without cheating. Or at least, in the spirit of John Edwards, not cheating that much. Swimming sensation Michael Phelps...

Was It Time?

“Peace at the center”: RN smiling at Marie Abplanalp’s wedding Saturday, April 16, 1994 was a great day in the life of the 37th President. Marie Abplanalp, daughter of his friend Bob, was getting married in Bronxville, New York. President Nixon was a...